Thursday, April 12, 2007

Coming Out of The (RV) Closet

One of the first challenges we faced as full-time RVers was closet space. Our closet is not deep enough to use a regular hanger and still be able to close the sliding doors. (This is not an issue if you have only a few clothes in the closet -- for, say, a 2-week trip -- because you can angle the hangers and the doors will close.). Since we need room for all clothes for the season we are in, we need to be able to use the entire closet rod.

The first thing we did was go to Camping World, thinking that others must have had the same issue so they probably make hangers for RV closets. Well, they don't. (Note to self: would this be an opportunity for a new product???)

The second thing we did was go in search of narrower hangers; we discovered that padded hangers are almost 2" narrower than regular hangers and work perfectly. They, too, posed a problem, however. They are "fatter" than regular hangers so we couldn't get as many clothes in the closet. So we did a major purge of our clothes: it was a motherlode for Goodwill and the Crisis Center of Comal County, but we still couldn't get all our in clothes in the closet.

We tried taking some things off hangers and folding them up, but there's only so much room for folded clothes. We then tried taking some things that we don't wear very often and put them in wardrobe boxes in one of our storerooms -- without fail, as soon as a piece of clothing went to the storeroom, we would need it. So, for the past few months, we have had clothes hanging on hooks all over the walls and our closet is STUFFED!

So today I went to Target and bought some closet organizing tools. They have definitely given us more room in the closet -- we'll have to live with them for awhile to see if they are a permanent solution.

Who knew there was this much to say about a closet???

1 comment:

MomneyBean said...

Hey, Linda and Carl! Greetings from the Other Hill Country. Thanks for sending your coordinates--love your blog! You've had quite a ride since July; we're waiting with interest for the next entry. In general, life is good when your biggest problem is closet space. We have other friends who are living the RV lifestyle permanently, and still others who are sharing their blogs. Guess we'll have to join the hip online crowd (if the word "hip" doesn't bely our hipness--at least we didn't say "hep"!).You prolly are wondering who the heck we are, so will give you a hint: donkeys and rhinos. This one's more specific: I took some great shots of you modeling clothes at Lucy Anderson's Dem fund-raiser a couple of years ago. Will write. Blog on!