Wednesday, June 6, 2007

When Life Gives You Lemons. . .

Yesterday started out as a normal, glorious day. But then the lemons started kicking in:

I logged on to work on my e-mail and discovered that my computer no longer recognized my address book ??? OK, no problem. I'll just clean the RV.

I then showered and got dressed to volunteer my shift at the library. I got there and 2 other volunteers were already there. One said, "I wonder why we have three today?" She looked at the book and I wasn't scheduled to work! OK, no problem. I'll do my laundry (not a trivial task when one lives in an RV!)

Carl and I drove to my sister's lake house (about 150 miles round trip) to pick up a nailer that my brother-in-law wants us to take to camp meeting this weekend (it was on the list to pick up last weekend when we were there, but it got overlooked). Well, we couldn't find the nailer and we couldn't get in touch with Maxie. OK, no problem. We ate at one of our favorite places in Marble Falls!

I think that today we definitely qualify for poster children for the saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"!

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