Thursday, August 16, 2007


It's true; Carl and I are now houseless and WE ARE THRILLED! We closed on our house sale yesterday morning and we even have the check in the bank! It's been a long frustrating, agonizing, emotional 2-year roller-coaster ride , but much good came from the trip:

1. We had an amazing real estate agent who loved our property and put her entire being into selling it for us;
2. The couple who bought it LOVES it -- that makes us feel SO good!
3. Carl & I learned a lot about each other; after 14 years of marriage we learned that we can live in 300 square feet and still really like each other!
4. I learned how little one really needs to keep house -- I plan to take this forward to our new house.
5. We learned how few clothes we really need (since we had room for so few). We will take this forward with us as well.

We've had folks say "how do you stand each other in such a small space?" I think it is a testament to our relationship that we are as crazy about each other today as we were in July 2006 when we moved into our RV!

We still have some RV living to do as we will be living here until our house is built. However, the attitude is very different knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunne.!


Mandi Watts said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm so glad that is finally behind you guys and you can move forward with your new house!

Susan Marie said...

I am confused, who is the couple who bought the house?

Linda said...

We thought it was an investment company who bought our house, but actually it was a couple. They actually bought it for their daughter and son-in-law to move into when they relocate from El Paso in May 2008. In the meantime they are living there.