Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Getting Closer by the Minute. . .

For those of you who are following the grueling, frustrating, tedious process of building our house, we are approaching a milestone.

We now have all our permits, plans, and estimates necessary for the budget part of the construction loan application; and I spent last night and this evening completing the "Assets and Liabilities" section of the application form.

Who do they think can fill out these forms? The squares are 1"x1" and, on my best day, I couldn't write in the information they ask for in that amount of space. And, since I fractured my hand, I can't write that much information, no matter how large or small the squares. So, I say to myself, I'll create it online. As it turns out, they have a .pdf form to use but you can't fill it out partially, save it, and come back to complete it. Being the problem solver that I am, I created a spreadsheet with all the information (no small task) and Carl is going to enter the information into the .pdf form on line.

Ain't nothing easy these days, but we ARE moving forward!

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