Monday, June 23, 2008

Open Mike In Sattler

Last night, Carl and I experienced another flavor of the rich culture here in the Canyon Lake area: we attending "open mike" night at our local pizza parlor (tag line "One Location Nationwide and We're Proud of It").

The musicians spanned the spectrum of age, genre, and musical ability. Our favorite was a duet (apparently normally a trio)which called itself Beaver Creek. The woman played the guitar and was the lead singer; the man sang harmony and played the harmonica; the missing person plays lead guitar and, I assume, also sings harmony.

It was a beautiful summer evening and we had a delightful time with our Tuscan pizza and some pretty good music.

Carl's thinking about taking the mike at some point. . .

1 comment:

Angela O. said...

My oldest daughter has recently decided the harmonica is her instrument of choice as well. Maybe we'll meet you at an open mide night someday.