Saturday, July 26, 2008

More Foundation Progress

This past week, the plumber and electrician added their entrances to the foundation prior to the installation of steel rebar. Bug-A-Meister, the termite man, followed up with treatment around the newly-installed drains.

The day after the plumber finished, Hurricane Dolly hit the coast of Texas about 300 miles south of us. Storm clouds began forming so the contractor quickly came in and lay plastic tarp over the base fill. He said that they wanted to prevent any washing away, but more important was preventing excessive settling of the fill. If the fill settles then it means more concrete would have to be poured. We had a couple of days of good rain, which was very much needed because of the drought.

The steel has been ordered and installation should begin next week, followed by the concrete pour. Soon we will be seeing a real foundation!

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