We got home from Camp Meeting with LOTS of eggs! I made egg salad, we had fried egg sandwiches for breakfast and we STILL had eggs. I had heard my sister talk about pickling eggs so I decided I would do that.
I went on the Internet and found a recipe that (a) seemed fairly simple; and (b) called for ingredients that I had on hand. The only exception was something called "pickling spices" so I looked further on the Internet for what that meant. I learned that it was a combination of things such as peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, mustard seeds, bay leaves, cloves, etc . etc. I went to my larder and found that I had peppercorns, bay leaves, and cloves, so that's what I used.
The next problem is that I didn't have a container in which to make my pickled eggs. Carl went down to our local resale shop, coerced the employee to sell him something after they had closed, and came home with a great looking glass gallon jar (with an orange lid which goes beautifully with my decor in the trailer) so I am all set.
I made two dozen pickled eggs and now, a week later when they are ready to eat, I have to say they are delicious!
Who Knew!
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