Thursday, May 21, 2009

We Have Moved In!

Woo Hoo! We're done building and have moved into our new home. It is so-o-o exciting. This will be the last post on RV Living, Conger Style since we are no longer in the RV. Notice that there is no sign of the trailer in this slideshow of the finished product.


Pikeminnow said...

Looks great! We definitely need to visit. We can lock the kids in the (thankfully) detached garage. Are you going to start a new blog?

Priscilla said...

Linda and Carl, Fantastic job. It is beautiful and yes, I agree with your philosophy about life being too short to live in Dallas. Gerald's still working, though and so am I. I noticed that you read Water for Elephants. You need to also read Modoc by Ralph Helfer. Just the picture on the front page will sell you on getting the book.
Are you going to the AAUW Convention in St. Louis?

Maurine said...

It looks like you are not only finished, but "at home". Hope to see ya at Camp Meeting