Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Out of Juice

Last Thursday the 12-volt circuit in our RV went out; this circuit controls the small lights around the interior perimeter, the refrigerator, the switch for the water heater, and the thermostat for the air conditioner in the living room. We emptied the refrigerator into the one in the shop, made do without perimeter lights, and used fans and the bedroom A/C to try to stay cool in unseasonally warm temperatures. We were able to get the water heater switch fixed on Saturday but had to have parts ordered for the rest.

Everything got fixed yesterday so we're back to "normal" -- I'm beginning to realized that I have NO idea what "normal" means!

We've been told that RVs are not built to be lived in and we are definitely finding that to be true. . .

Only two more months. . . . .

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