Monday, April 9, 2007

Sleet Wave

The forecast for this past Saturday (Easter eve) was rain and 50ish degrees. Well, we had a sleet wave instead -- we were pummelled with sleet all day long and the temperature got to only 38 degrees!

I would hate to be a meteorologist in Texas -- our weather is so crazy that they are rarely correct with their forecasts. How sad to be in a profession where you have such few opportunities to succeed :-(

The best way to describe Texas weather is via a popular quip: "If you don't like the weather, stick around a few minutes and it'll change." Now how in the world do you forecast that?????


Unknown said...

Brrhhh....too cold for me! Don't want to seem like a fat cat sitting out here in Las Vegas but we have been out for our daily walks in shorts, enjoying the 80 degree sunny weather. Believe it or not there is a downside to this great weather and it is this: the weather right now should be in the low 70's and I have had to reset the irrigation system for the landscaping which means larger water bills earlier in the year (drat!). Really enjoy your blog.

Linda said...

Well, the weather here was in the upper 70's today and will be in the mid-80's tomorrow -- go figure! We are coming to Las Vegas April 27 - 29 to visit my sister and brother-in-law; it would be fun to get together with you guys!

Unknown said...

Hi there! Sent a note to your e-mail re getting together in Vegas while you are out here at the end of the month....sounds great. The 28th will work best for us.

Tess Nelson