Monday, September 3, 2007

The Eyes Have It

I went to the Austin Eye Clinic last Friday to see what, if anything, can be done about my vision. I had a radial keratotomy (RK) in 1991 to correct my distance vision and it did -- immediately after my surgery I had 20/20/ vision in one eye and 20/25 vision in the other. The glasses I wear have a teenie bit of correction in the top half but, primarily, I wear them for reading. Every since my surgery, I've had blurry vision the first thing in the morning and on cloudy days. However, the length of time for the blurriness has been getting longer and longer and it now lasts until noon or so. During that time, I have to look through the bottom portion of my glasses which is not good for my necki! So I wanted to see if I'm a candidate for lasik or some other procedure.

As it turns out, I have a small cataract on each eye. One solution is to have artificial lens' implanted which would give me almost perfect vision -- both for distance and close up. However, the cataracts are not bad enough for insurance to pay for the implants so this option would cost us $9200 ($4600/eye). This is really not an option for us because of house building, so I'll just get new glasses (or contacts) and wait until my cataracts get bad enough for insurance to pay for the implants :-)

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