Sunday, September 16, 2007

What a Party!

We drove to Fort Worth Thursday, September 13, to celebrate our younger daughter, Erica, 4oth birthday. It started with dinner at an Italian restaurant in their neighborhood for 10 of E's family and friends. To our total shock, E's husband, Allen, picked up the tab.

The best surprise was yet to come, however. We went back to their house and a limo stocked with champagne, driven by Kurt, picked us up. We then went to Arlington to pick up E's mother, uncle and sister, and then Kurt took us to Plano to a restaurant where our son-in-law, Brian was performing. At the end of his show, Kurt was waiting for us and drove us back to our respective houses.

Erica is definitely "40 and fabulous" and it was a joy to celebrate this occasion with her, other members of our family, and her friends!

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