Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Where's the Library?

I am not a "surfer" of the Internet -- I use it when I need it but it's not a hobby for me. Nonetheless, since I've been volunteering at the library, I am surprised at the things for which people rely on the library.

Just a few of the things people have asked for in the past several weeks:
  • What is the best way to get a snake out of my pond?
  • I'm being transferred to Thailand; do you have a book on the language?
  • My daughter just got a pet rabbit and I need to know how to care for it.
  • I want to get my GED; do you have any information on that?
  • I need some information on filing a liability claim when I was riding a motorcycle.
It is clear to me that libraries are as relevant for research today as they have every been!

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