Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Here I Am -- Among the Living!

I've been off the blog waves for several days and there are at least 2 reasons for that:
  • I had my quarterly AAUW TX Board meeting in Dallas this past weekend which included a couple of days prep work and a couple of days recuperation time; and
  • I live in an RV -- my husband spends 10 - 12 hours a day working (he works out of the RV so this means he is heads down on his computer or on conference calls); we have no children who do interesting things or have interesting activities to attend; our progress toward our house building is moving at a snail's pace; and, frankly, I often am at a loss of anything to blog about!
I have told our friends across the country that they can keep track of us and our activities via my blog, so I have made a commitment to myself to make more regular entries.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

eyerish said...

I enjoy seeing your blog and hearing how things are going in your neck of the woods. It is hard to keep up with everyone when we are so far away.